Mid-America Region of the AACA
The Fun Car Club
The usual location for our meetings is held at:
Your Classic Ride. 2711 Warwick Trafficway, 200 PM, Kansas City Mo. 64108
February 16 – Member’s Show & Tell, Mystery item guessing
March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Party
April 13
May 18
June 22
July 20
Rest of the year to be posted later.
Check out or Newsletters Page which has more detailed information on past club meetings and events.
Mid America Region AACA Car Show – April 26, 2025. 1000 AM-200 PM. All vehicles welcome. Hosted by Peculiar United Methodist Church, 20521 S. School Road, Peculiar, MO 64078. Registration at event, $20.00. Boy Scout Troops #1245 & 7245. Selling food to benefit their summer campout.
Big Shoal Vintage Auto Show – June 14, 2025. 1100 AM-300 PM. Entry fee $10 in advance, $15 day of show. Benefits the Atkins-Johnson Farm. Sponsored by Atkins-Johnson Farm and Mid-America AACA car club. 4109 NE Pleasant Valley Rd, Gladstone, MO 64119. Register online at www.friendsoftheatkins-johnsonfarm.org. Note: The museum is closed until April 2nd. Awards First Place in 5 Classes. Best of Show. Pre-War: 1946-1960, 1961-1970, 1971-1980. Wear your best vintage attire for a chance to win a prize! Open to the public at no charge. Food truck on-site. Additional refreshments for sale at the info booth.
Other Events:
For a complete MO and KS automotive events visit: https://kansascityautomuseum.com/event-finder/
For a list of National AACA events: