Welcome to the Membership page. We look forward to your membership in The Fun Club.
Please take a few minutes to review our Newsletters to get a flavor of our Club.
The following information will guide you in the process necessary to join our local club.
PLEASE NOTE that the LOCAL DUES for 2025 are $25.00
Print out our application**, fill in the blanks and send it along with a check to:
PAUL WILLIAMSON, 4525 N Baltimore, Kansas City, MO. 64116
**To join the Mid America Region you must also join the national Antique Automobile Club of
America. This can easily be done by calling 717-534-1910 or apply on their website www.aaca.org. Once you have joined national club, they will issue you a membership number which is required on our membership application. Regular national membership is $45.00. There are several membership options shown on the website.
Please contact our Membership Committee if you have any questions:
Meredith Williamson 816-529-0426 pawmew54@gmail.com
Note: To access the following forms, highlight and click on the link to the form.
Membership Recruiting Process Mid-America
Procedures for Newsletter Submissions
Classified Ads Pricing for non-members